Recipes & DIYs
Easy essential oil DIYs and recipes you can make at home
Looking for different ways you can utilize your essential oils? From cooking to cleaning to personal care, there are so many possible DIY recipes! I’ll share a few of my favorites or items that have caught my eye.
Tomatoes Stuffed with Chicken Salad
Ingredients 6 large tomatoes 2 cups cooked and cubed chicken ½ cup minced red bell pepper 1 celery rib, chopped 1 ½ tablespoons minced red onion 1/3 cucumber chopped ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 drop Lemon essential oil 1 drop Cilantro essential oil 1 tablespoon chopped fresh Italian parsley 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons of mayo or yogurt ranch dressing Directions 1. Cut ½ inch off top of each tomato. Scoop out pulp.
Lemon Powder Cleanser
As I've mentioned before, I love to clean with lemon essential oil. This is a great recipe for deep cleaning. You can avoid hours of scrubbing with this powdered cleanser DIY. It makes it easy to clean even the grimiest of surfaces with very little work. Just sprinkle on the surface, walk away for 15–30 minutes. Return and give a little scrub and then wipe clean. Ingredients 2 cups borax 1 cup baking soda ½ cup citric acid ½ cup
Bath Salts & Fizzy Bath Bombs
I discovered years ago that a bath is both relaxing and rejuvenating for me. At the end of a long, stressful day, taking a warm bath will help my body and mind unwind. When my kids were small, it was the time I was able to escape and have some quiet Me time. Over the years the various stressors have changed, but the stress itself has remained. A warm bath has become a nightly ritual, necessary for my sanity. When I'm
All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner
I LOVE cleaning with lemon. It smells so clean and fresh and it is a cleaning wonder. Got sticky residue? Use lemon. Grease on your stovetop? Use lemon. Permanent magic marker scribbled all over your wood credenza (yes, this is personal experience)... Use lemon. I tend to use my lemon on nearly everything (except plastic*) straight out of the bottle. But if you want to be a little more conservative with your essential oil, this this is a great recipe
Toilet Bomb
Here's an idea to get your kids more interested in cleaning the bathroom! This DIY turns chores into fun with fizzing bubbles that will clean and deodorize your toilet! Ingredients: ½ cup baking soda ½ cup citric acid ½ cup borax or cornstarch Spray bottle, filled with water 1 gallon-size Ziplock bag 25 drops essential oils A mold (a plastic measuring cup, or silicone muffin pan work well) To Use: Drop one of the bombs into the toilet, the ingredients will