How Well Do You Know Me?
Jul 2nd, 2009 by craig
I’m not a huge facebook fan, but I do have a page and I like seeing what people elect to put up there. [I’m with David when it comes to some of the quizes and apps that are turning up, I think Congress should step in.] There is one quiz that has caught my attention – “The How Well Do You Know Me?” quiz. Not because I’m willing to test any of you on how well you know me, but because many of the questions generated random thoughts I could express. So, here’s my version of the “How Well Do You Know Me” quiz:
What is my favorite pizza topping?
In our house, there’s the meat lovers and the cheese lovers. Sometimes the cheese lovers like pineapple on their pizza…
Favorite childhood game is ________.
We have some multi-generational Dungeons and Dragons going on around here, with Sam taking D&D to whole new levels. I never played with the same commitment as Sam does. (See Sam’s post – or at least part of Sam’s post)
What body part would I like to get a tattoo on?
David now has two tattoos. I liked the first one, because of its meaning: being true to ones self.
What color suits me best?
Recently Kristin did some painting at our place, she did several walls a nice green and it really looks great – adds a lot of warmth to our home.
I secretly would like to be a ________ for a day?
Rock star… I’d love to play some challenging bass on a big stage, in front of a big crowd…
My favorite flavor of ice cream is ________.
We really enjoy home made ice cream, we make it pretty often around here. Kristin tweaked one of my recipes to be very diet friendly (no sugar, just lots of fruit and cream) which is pretty good. I’ve been thinking about the root beer ice cream I used to make, perhaps I’ll need to make some. We’ve had some pretty good root beer floats lately.
What country would I like to live in?
Lately Kristin and I have been talking about living full time on a cruise ship. There’s one that you can buy a residence on, and it just cruises around the world, taking two years to do the whole trip. I need to make a whole bunch of money…
What is my middle name?
I have always been proud that my father gave me his name as a middle name…but I don’t use it. Even he goes by the shortened version. He has no middle name, just the initial ‘A’.
What time am I usually in bed by?
About an hour after I should be… however, the family won’t hesitate to mention that I usually get some sleep time in on the couch before I head to bed….
How many times have I traveled out of the country?
Last Christmas we made a last minute decision to go to Canada for a few days. It was a good trip, made me think perhaps we should go more often.
If I was running out of my burning house, what item would I grab?
The things I would be most concerned about aren’t “grab-able,” like Kristin, Sam and J’Neil. Maybe my laptop, there are certainly irreplaceable things on my laptop…
What would be the perfect present for me?
Kristin has always been so good at giving me presents, always thoughtful. Her gifts are always full of value much greater than whatever she paid for them. All the way back to my crystal balls, the painting of the wizard she gave me one year, to my first bass. In my drawer I still have the fish-go-round game she gave me many years ago.
What song would I choose to sing at a karaoke bar?
It’s hard to sing…harder than I would have thought. It’s easy if you’re singing along with the stereo or the radio, not so much when it’s just you and the guitar. I’m waiting for Kristin to tell me which ones she thinks I do ok… I believe that’s a harder thing for her to decide than I might like…
What would I dress as for Halloween?
Apparently, I don’t have a great deal of imagination; at Halloween I’ve worn the same wizard outfit for the last fifteen or twenty years. Irene made it for me, it’s great.
My favorite drink is ________.
At our most recent murder mystery party (just last Saturday evening), J’Neil played the part of a bartender, and she had a fully stocked bar, with lots of different drinks available. She also had three blenders, and mixings for her orange julius type drinks, a pina colada concoction, and a strawberry blended drink. She was kept pretty busy (but still accomplished most all of her goals for the evening). I didn’t have the chance to have one of her drinks that night, but she made me one the next day – I think she called it “orange sunset.” Man was it good. She’s going to have to make me drinks way more often than she has.
I am most happiest when ________?
“Most happiest”?!?!? Who wrote these things, even I know that’s not right. I’m “most happiest” when I’m home.
If I had to eat the same kind of food for a month, what type would it be?
We’ve come up with a sugar-free version of the cheesecake I make. Kristin has been living on it lately. The other day she mentioned that by her calculations, she needs me to make two of them a week. I will admit that it’s pretty good, but I don’t know how she manages to eat it so much. I would get tired of it at 25% of the pace she’s on.
My favorite show on TV?
I love Netflix… seems I don’t watch any live TV these days, unless it’s a ball game (can’t wait for the NFL to start!), or sometimes Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart (are those considered live TV?). I watch lots of movies, and old series where I don’t have to wait a week for the next episode. Right now we’re in the third season of The West Wing.
What city was I born in?
I was born in Logan, Utah, though I don’t remember it. It was some time ago.
I had lots of thoughts and comments as a read this, but mostly they were of the “you didn’t answer the question!” variety. 🙂 I am very glad that your very most happiest place is at home.
I think I know you pretty well…. though there are still mysteries to be discovered it seems. I too thought – hey, you didn’t answer the question!” 🙂
Sheesh… not answering the questions was kinda the point, but hey, I did answer some. So, skipping the ones I did give, here’s the answers to the rest: pepperoni, marbles, no where, grey, raspberry, Gondor (specifically Ithilien), Mel, midnight, many many times, time, Mad World, hot chocolate, beef or pork, there are several favorites. 🙂